With over 15 years’ experience our highly skilled team are able to process material to customer specification. Our automated saw drill line allows us to drill from preprogrammed NC files, alternatively we are able to programme the line ourselves.
Our Kaltenbach machine allows us to drill holes up to ∅40mm, and cut material to 1016mm in width. In addition to this we have the facility to cut repetitive lengths on one of our automated saw lines.
Our Carbide drill bits mean our holes are cut to a high finish and the speed allows us to offer our customer a short lead time.
In addition to our Cutting & Drilling services The Intake Group can Shotblast, Prime & Paint your material to any specification required, then also deliver your goods using our in house transport fleet. See our Transport pages for more information.

2 Saw Drill Lines & 2 Saws
Ability to Cut & Drill material up to 1016mm in width
Carbide Drilling
Ability to Drill holes up to ∅40mm
Processes to BSEN1090 – 1 standard
Crop & Punch machine
Cutting & Drilling

John Burgin
John Burgin
Email me
Tel: 01724 407911
Tel: 01724 407911

Richard Burgin
Richard Burgin
Email me
Tel: 01724 407911
Tel: 01724 407911

Kim Colley
Kim Colley
Over 15 years’ experience
For more information
please call our sales team on 01724 407911 Option 3 or email info@intaketransport.co.uk